Guy Standing på RUC

guystanding_200iGuy Standing kommer til Danmark igen og forelæser samt deltager i paneldiskussioner på RUC 7. – 9. oktober 2015. Programmet se sådan ud:

October 7th 13.00 – 15.00. Global Dynamics Lecture Professor Guy Standing “A Precariat Charter: A Progressive Strategy for Globalisation’s Dangerous Class”. (cluster 5) Building 25.2 Auditorium. (cluster 5)

October 8th 13.00 – 15.00. Seminar room  Bld. 25.3. Seminar on “Growth of Global Precarity and how to create a Solidarity Economy” by Professors Guy Standing and Research Expert Bénédicte Fonteneau (cluster 5)

October 9th 10.45 – 12.45 Global Dynamics Lecture  Research Expert Bénédicte Fonteneau “How to construct a Social and Solidarity Economy combining efficacy and ideology in contexts of extreme poverty” Bld. 25.2 Auditorium. (Cluster 5)

Late October Week 23 (19-23 Oct): Global Dynamics Lecture by Miriam Gluckmann (Cluster 4)


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